As a member of a TEC team, you must complete certain paperwork / training. If you do not complete these, you will be unable to serve on a weekend.
Not all forms / training applies to everyone. Our Safe Environment coordinator will contact you via email (from [email protected]) to provide requirements specific to you. Once you have received this email, complete the requests as soon as possible so you are prepared prior to the start of your team meetings.
Below are specific steps for what needs to be done depending on the request(s) made in your email.
Safe Environment:
1. Training is available at
2. If you have an account, sign in. If you do not have an account, complete the section - Register for a New Account.
3. Complete the Account tab; complete the Personal tab.
4. On the Affiliation tab, complete as follows. Make sure to select Northwest TEC- Moline:
Not all forms / training applies to everyone. Our Safe Environment coordinator will contact you via email (from [email protected]) to provide requirements specific to you. Once you have received this email, complete the requests as soon as possible so you are prepared prior to the start of your team meetings.
Below are specific steps for what needs to be done depending on the request(s) made in your email.
Safe Environment:
1. Training is available at
2. If you have an account, sign in. If you do not have an account, complete the section - Register for a New Account.
3. Complete the Account tab; complete the Personal tab.
4. On the Affiliation tab, complete as follows. Make sure to select Northwest TEC- Moline:
5. Once you've created an account, your required trainings should be presented to you for completion.
Trainings may include Safe Environment and Safe Driving (if 25 years or order).
6. At the end of the training, make sure you complete all forms presented.
It will ask you to pay - select DO NOT PAY (the trainings have already been paid for).
If the requested forms are not completed, you will not be able to serve on a team until you do so.
7. If you have questions, please see your email for additional details and contact information.
If you are under the age of 18:
1. Download the CANTS form (which will be emailed to you).
You may be able to download and open the file on your computer (depending on your computer).
2. Print the completed form and bring it to the first team meeting OR save the completed form and email it back to the requestor.
Trainings may include Safe Environment and Safe Driving (if 25 years or order).
6. At the end of the training, make sure you complete all forms presented.
It will ask you to pay - select DO NOT PAY (the trainings have already been paid for).
If the requested forms are not completed, you will not be able to serve on a team until you do so.
7. If you have questions, please see your email for additional details and contact information.
If you are under the age of 18:
1. Download the CANTS form (which will be emailed to you).
You may be able to download and open the file on your computer (depending on your computer).
2. Print the completed form and bring it to the first team meeting OR save the completed form and email it back to the requestor.
Safe environment training for adult employees and volunteers who have contact with minors is a key element of the U.S. Bishops' Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. Completion of the training program is required for all personnel (employees and volunteers) of the parishes, schools, and agencies of the Diocese of Peoria who have contact with minors.